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Abortion Clinic Guide

Some of the Best Clinics in The US:

We are discontinueing our specific clinic ratings.  We recommend that you visit the Jenny's Top 10 List where she lists the best abortion clinics in the U.S.  It's a rating with which we substantially agree. We wanted to present the top 10, but we didn't want to just steal Jenny's list and we have found it difficult to do the level of research and verification found on the Jenny Jerrome site.  If we couldn't do well, we didn't want to do it.  Our initial findings remain below.

  We are not medical experts.  We don't pretend to know all the answers.  We are simply willing to share our opinions with you and to explain how we arrived at them.  So, why would you believe us?  Because we are like you, have dealt with the difficult decision and we know you need honest answers.  All we have to offer is that we are honest.  We tell you what we think and no one has bought us.  We are doing this because we are frustrated with the information that is out there that simply supports the position(s) of whoever pays the most money.

We know there are other good abortion clinics and abortion doctors out there and expect that they will take up a position on our list as we evaluate them.

If you have decided on an abortion, you need an abortion specialist.   That isn't your local gynecologist unless he or she is primarily an abortion provider (must do at least 20 abortion procedures a month and is certified by the National Abortion Federation!)  Even very good gynecologists and other physicians do not have the training and experience to provide the most modern low risk and pain free abortion.

So, straight to the point...

If you need a late term abortion for any reason

There is only one choice, get on an airplane and go to Boulder Colorado.  You want:

Boulder Abortion Clinic, P.C.
Warren M. Hern, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D.
1130 Alpine Avenue
Boulder, Colorado 80304
303-447-1361 (telephone)
800-535-1287 (toll free)

Your local physician or clinic may say they know about late term abortion procedures, but the expert among experts is Dr. Hern.  Your safety is worth it, go to Colorado.

For the best of the best in abortion services (but not late term)

Go to Reno, Nevada.  You want:

West End Women's Medical Group
5915 Tyrone Road
Reno, Nevada 89502


The doctor who designed and built a very specialized clinic to promote every aspect of good patient care and extreme privacy and comfort also is the leader of the pack when it comes to the latest, safest, most comfortable and lowest risk procedures.  It's worthwhile to take care of yourself and we think it's worth a trip to Reno, NV.

Also see Jenny Jerrome's Top 10, where she lists the best abortion doctors and best abortion clinics.  We generally agree with the rankings, or at least, the method and rationale.